May 22, 2013

Visiting Daddy at work.

This is Steve's last week of work for the school year.  Tuesday I decided to take him lunch and see if I could help him take care of any stuff to close out the year.  Yeah, right.  The girls had a big time getting into everything.  We enjoyed having lunch together though. 

 Working on our fine-motor skills and pulling tape off of the posters. 

They always find the computer.  Always.

Steve thought June needed to wear this Wayne Rooney jersey and entertain the students in the hallway.  Then she got shy and hid behind him.  It was pretty cute. 

May 10, 2013

Ten on Ten: May 2013

7-ish: I got a new mug for my birthday!
8-ish: Kay Arthur confuses me with this picture drawing business.
  9-ish: child labor
10-ish: poor Woody
11-ish Babywearing June
12-ish: Target with two in the buggy
1-ish: accessorized
2-ish: naps, pshhh
3-ish: trying out our beach gear
4-ish: Holland learned that magnets hold paper on the refrigerator.