My car does this awesome thing where it occasionally doesn't crank. It is usually at the most inconvenient moment: I am headed to a doctor's appointment; The car is filled with hot breakfast food for college Sunday School (life groups, whatever).
So my dad offered to take the Cricket to a guy he knows to see if a cause could be determined. Apparently this place is shady because Dad felt the need to clean every little thing out of my car--including my emergency dental floss and nail clippers.
He put everything into a box and delivered it to me.
lots of writing utensils and CDs
a waitress apron and server book, hangers, sleeping bag, and a kite
Look how cute my man is in that picture! What a smile.
I mean, seriously, look at the JUNK! I think some of my favorite finds are the foreign money, the power strip, and Scotch tape.
Please note the soccer cleats in the top photo. In those cleats I found a pair of dirty socks. The last time I wore those soccer cleats was the MC Alumni game in 2009.
Since I started this post, we have said goodbye to the Cricket. It was sad. I might have shed a tear or two, I won't lie.
Good bye, Cricket. You were a good car (I mean, except for that whole not starting thing, and your driver side window not rolling down.).

And, heeeeeeelllllllllllllllooooooooooo, Glory! Woop Woop, van club!